Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 3: A place or thing that you're in love with (choose one)

If I could pick just one place that I love, I would say Kota Kinabalu Sabah. Why? What is not to love about KK? Almost everyone who has been there that I know has every positive thing to say about KK. My favourite remark about the land below the wind is by a colleague of mine, who is from West Malaysia and is already planning to make KK his retirement location. He said, "I truly believe that God has blessed that land. You get everything in KK. You turn to your right, you'll see the magnificent mountain. You turn to your left, you see the most beautiful islands and beaches."

I can't help but feel proud everytime I hear remarks about KK. I am a Sabahan, but I was not born in KK. I was born in Labuan, a small island that was used to be under the Sabah constitution. Labuan became a Federal Territory in 1985. I was born in 1984 when Labuan was still in Sabah. So technically, I am a Sabahan.

My father's family migrated to KK and have resided there for 30-40 years. So everytime I need to "balik kampung" to visit relatives, I would go to KK instead of Labuan.

Other than its nature attraction, KK has a lot more to offer. Its shopping experience is one of the best, commonly dubbed as "mini KL". Which, I find, is more conducive than the crowded KL. You can find leading fashion brands in KK minus the crowded packed atmosphere of KL.

Of course, love for a place only exist if the place holds good memories. Admit it, one of the best experience we've ever had is our childhood. In this case, my childhood did revolve around KK, because half of my family were living there.

So, the next time you go to KK, be prepared to be awestrucked.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 2: meaning behind your blog name

When I wanted to start up a facebook page mainly for my Shaklee business, it took me days just to name it. I contemplated between the small choices of names I had in mind. I wanted a name to reflect our family thus I insisted on sticking to the "Sofyan". After much deliberation, I named my fanpage Sofyan Supplement.

So with the fanpage name out, naming the blog was easy. I sticked to Sofyan Supplement.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 1: introduction and a little bit about you. Recent picture of yourself.

Ah, 30-day blog writing challenge. Okay, let's see how far I can do this.

"I'm just an ordinary mom"

It's weird when people ask "what do you do?". I'll always contemplate to answer as I have just quite a few varieties as to describe who I actually am. No, don't get me wrong - it's not like I have an identity crisis or anything. Frankly speaking, I see myself as a mother more than anything. There are many times that I introduced myself to a stranger or someone whom I just met for the first time, as a mom. Even once, at the office.

There was this lady, whom I was meeting for the first time for a project at work. We were going to be introduced to each other for the first time when her cellphone rang. It was from her daughter. She excused herself for a few seconds to answer her phone, spoke on it for another few, then hung up. I remembered she mouthed in a hushed voice - "I love you" before hanging up. I smiled, because I could totally relate.

She then introduced herself and held out her hand, while apologizing for the mere seconds interruption. I took her hand and mentioned my name.

"Ashyiela, nice to meet you. So, what do you do?"

and then, with all confidence, I answered, "I'm a mom too! I have a daughter bla bla bla" I think I spoke for another whole minute about my then 5 month old daughter when I realized, she was asking on my role at the office! I swear I can feel my cheeks turned red with embarassment so I quickly ushered her into the meeting room to join the rest of the project team.

When I reflect back, that's just me. And now after 3 kids, I can hardly remember how I felt or described fulfillness before I was married.

So that's a little tiny fact about me. I am a mom, and I love being it. I can no longer imagine myself as not being one.

December Promotion - Omega Guard

This December, Christmas comes early for Omega Guard lovers. Yes, the Buy 6 Free 1 promotion is for Omega Guard this month. Wait no more, get your Omega Guard now. Berbaloi-baloi!

I am your Shaklee Independent Distributor in Miri, Sarawak. Delivery for the whole of Malaysia as well as Brunei.

Ashyiela Alidin
ID: 892200
SMS/Whatsapp: +6012-5169446

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nov 13 Promo: the awesome Vivix!

Awesome deal for November, specially for those who have tried and tested the awesomeness of Shaklee's revolutionary Vivix!

Buy 6 and get the 7th bottle for free. That's RM50++ saving for each bottler! How cool is that?

If you don't need that many, bring along your friends and family and co-share the purchase! Easy! That's a good reason to spread the goodness of Vivix to more people.

So, waste no more time. Offer valid until 30 Nov 2013 only! Hurry up! Get your Vivix today!

I am your Shaklee Independent Distributor in Miri Sarawak.

Ashyiela Alidin
ID: 892200
sms/Whatsapp: 0125169446

Friday, October 18, 2013

Rambut Gugur? Jangan sampai botak!


For today's entry, I would like to talk about the above. Masalah rambut gugur ni memang menghantui ramai. Sebabnya, kalau rambut dah gugur dengan banyak takut pula ia adalah simptom penyakit. Dan masalah rambut gugur bukan sahaja dialami oleh kaum wanita, some men are even more prone to hair loss!

Saya adalah antara wanita yang ada masalah ni. Masalah rambut gugur saya bertambah serius waktu berpantang. Ramai yang kata sebab perubahan hormon. Jumpa doctor, doctor pun cakap benda yang sama. Ayat favourite doctor yang semestinya tak berapa saya nak favourite ialah "it's normal, it will go away".

So for the first 2 post-natal experience, I had to take my hair-loss problem for granted. While trying to avoid post-natal stress, dengan hati yang berlagu-lagu tapa ikhlas, saya kutip satu-satu rambut yang gugur di lantai bilik air (yang bila dikumpul-kumpul banyaknya sampai segenggam) while chanting to myself "it's normal, it will go away.. it's normal, it will go away". Tapi sejujurnya, hati saya sangatlah risau, lebih-lebih lagi when I see a bald patch on one side of my head. *faint*

Walaupun saya bertudung, perkara mengenai kesuburan dan kecantikan rambut adalah perkara yang penting untuk saya (sebab untuk suami kan?). Saya yakin ramai wanita lain pun begitu juga.

Sehinggalah saya berpantang kali ketiga, dan kali ini berpantang dengan Set Berpantang Shaklee. Dalam set berpantang ni ada Zinc Complex. Waktu breastfeeding anak kedua, saya tak ambil pun Zinc ni, sebab tak tahu kebaikannya. Fungsi utama Zinc Complex ialah memperbaiki sel - luka cepat sembuh, thus the reason why it's included in the Berpantang Set. Saya juga ada terbaca ramai pengguna Shaklee yang menggunakan Zinc untuk membantu masalah keguguran rambut. Jadi, alang-alang dah ada dalam set, saya cubalah dengan harapan dapat lah membantu masalah keguguran rambut saya.

Selepas kira-kira 2 minggu berpantang, I started to notice the outcome. Sungguh! It really works! I noticed that there are less hair on the bathroom floor and when I comb my hair, dah tak banyak rambut tertinggal di sikat. Saya pun tak perlu kerap menyapu lantai rumah, sebab dah tak ada rambut-rambut halus. Lebih menakjubkan, the bald patches I used to have are now covered with little baby hair. Amazing!

And the most amazing thing is, Shaklee bukan ubat. Shaklee adalah suplement, makanan tambahan. Jadi saya boleh buat kesimpulan yang selama ini saya kekurangan Zinc, yang menyebabkan rambut saya cepat gugur. Alhamdulillah, saya dah jumpa penyelesaiannya. Dan sekarang ramai rakan-rakan turut mengikut langkah bijak saya. Jom!

Untuk mendapatkan produk Shaklee dan konsultasi percuma, hubungi saya segera.

I am your Shaklee Independent Distributor in Miri Sarawak, and Brunei.

Ashyiela Alidin
ID: 892200
SMS/ Whatsapp: +6012-5169446

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Sudah lama Sustained Release Vitamin C 500mg "out of stock" di seluruh Malaysia. Sebab produk ini sangat laris di pasaran. Terlalu ramai yang sudah mengakui keberkesanan produk ini.
Berita gembira! Vitamin C Shaklee bakal berada di pasaran semula insya Allah hujung bulan Oktober ini. Info-info yang saya terima, ia bakal diborong. Perlu cepat bertindak ni, kalau tak nanti menyesal.
Haa, siapa-siapa yang nak pre-order cepat-cepat hubungi saya. Bila barang sampai, saya akan utamakan order anda dahulu. Jangan terlepas pula!
Apa kata kita re-visit kebaikan-kebaikan Vitamin C Shaklee seperti di bawah:
Kebaikan dan keistimewaan menggunakan Vitamin C Shaklee:
1. Semulajadi tanpa bahan pengawet, sesuai untuk orang yang ada gastrik
2. Bio flavonoid dlm vitamin C Shaklee membantu penyerapan Vitamin C dalam tubuh
3. Berkesan untuk memerangi batuk dan selesema. Ambil sebiji Vitamin C Shaklee dan patahkan dua sebelum ditelan. Kenapa patah dua? Supaya Vitamin C ini lebih cepat diserap untuk bekerja dan memulihkan sel-sel tubuh.
4. Vitamin C Shaklee berunsur "Sustained Release". Maksudnya, Vitamin C dilepaskan secara berperingkat, sedikit-demi sedikit ke dalam tubuh.
5. Kenapa Shaklee susah-susah cipta sistem "Sustained Release"?
Tubuh manusia boleh buat banyak benda, tetapi tak boleh mencipta dan menyimpan Vitamin C. Oleh itu, walaupun diambil dalam dos yang tinggi sekaligus, tubuh manusia hanya akan menyerap sedikit Vitamin C dan selebihnya akan dinyahkan oleh proses semulajadi tubuh. Sistem "Sustained Release" Shaklee membekalkan Vitamin C bersamaan satu biji setengah buah oren setiap jam, selama 5 jam!
6. Vitamin C Shaklee dihasilkan bersama-sama Bioflavonoids Complex. Bioflavonoids adalah antioksidan yang sangat hebat yang hanya boleh didapati dari buah-buahan asli. Jadi, tak ada dalam vitamin C sintetik. Flavonoid mempunyai fungsi yang spesifik untuk meningkatkan kesihatan badan dari pelbagai sudut. Bahan ini menyokong pertumbuhan sel, untuk kesihatan jantung, dan juga untuk alzheimer.
Saya adalah pengedar sah Shaklee anda di Miri Sarawak dan Brunei. Penghantaran seluruh Malaysia!
Ashyiela Alidin
ID: 892200
SMS/Whatsapp: 012-5169446